I Spy (a Spy Wednesday activity)

Play - Engage your children in a game of “I Spy.” You spy something and say, “I spy with my little eye something that is (fill in with its color or other attribute)." Children try guessing what it is.

Talk - Discuss what is meant by Spy Wednesday. Explain how Judas agreed to betray Jesus for money (30 pieces of silver) and that according to Bible records this seems to have occurred on Wednesday of Holy Week (see Matthew 26:1-5). Judas was considered to be a spy because he was sneaky and looked for an opportunity to betray Jesus (see Matthew 26:14-16). Discuss how we betray Jesus by our actions.

Pray - Dear Jesus, we know You love us because You gave Your life for us. We are sorry for the times that we have betrayed You. Thank You for Your forgiveness and for never betraying us (Matthew 28:20).


Extension Activity - Enlist your children in a spying expedition. Throughout the the day, have them make note of the God-honoring actions of others in the home or beyond the window. For example, I spy someone sharing toys; someone making lunch; or someone working hard to deliver the mail. Recognize and celebrate these actions over dinner or at bedtime. For older children, challenge them to find 30 things.

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