Saturday, March 29, 2014

Little Guy, the Frog

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.
—Isaiah 26:4 

Light was already streaming through my cotton curtains when I opened my eyes this morning and turned toward the clock, displaying 8:06.  Wow, I never sleep in this late! I guess I needed my rest. 

I knew it was true.  It had been a long week, filled with ups and downs, excitement and exhaustion, wonder and worry.  Wonder over the birth of a new grandchild. Worry over those who have been sick. 
I drew back the curtains to behold the day—an overcast sky and a soggy ground. Then I lowered my gaze to the artificial pond just outside the window and watched while scattered sprinkles plashed upon the water. Suddenly a creature rose to the surface, flailing its legs. A frog.

He moved toward the plastic edge and appeared to grab ahold—but to no avail. I held my breath as he tried again. And again and again. And then he stopped—and floated.  Did he drown? Now I was getting nervous. Come on, little guy! Try again!  As if he could hear my inner cheers, he propelled himself toward a beckoning blade of grass bending low like a life rope. Yes, good idea!  Get it, little one! Come on! Jump! 
Little Guy, the Frog

But he didn’t. 

Now I was in a quandary. What do I do? Help him? I’m still in my pajamas. But I can’t sit here and watch him drown and I’m the only one who sees him. There’s no one else around.  

Then he moved—and headed in a new direction. Toward the plastic rock. That’s it, little guy!  

I watched intently until finally he reached the rock. God, I’m going to trust You to help him climb up.  
And then as if I were watching a TV show that had paused for a commercial, I made my way, albeit hesitantly, to the kitchen for coffee. Returning with cup in hand, I peered out once again and scanned the surface of the pond. Where’s Little Guy?  

Something caught my eye. Could it be? Is that Little Guy perched upon the rim of the plastic pond? Perhaps it is a leaf. I zoomed in. It is Little Guy!  He made it! And now he is resting. Thank You, God. 

Then I laughed. For I knew what God had done. It was He who pushed play on this video for me to watch. A gentle reminder of my week. I had been Little Guy. And I had been the cheerleader on the side. 

What about you? Have you had a week like mine or are you still in the midst of the pond, looking for a way out? Let me encourage you to head in the direction of the rock. Our Lord God, the everlasting rock. Trust Him, for He is your helper and ally—He will uphold you (Psalm 54:4 AMP). You will not drown (Isaiah 43:2). 

Or are you the cheerleader on the side? Know that you have been placed there for a divine purpose—whether as a physical warrior to get down and dirty in the trenches (or the pond!) or as a spiritual warrior to go to battle in prayer. Whatever the case, get out of your pajamas and put on the full armor of God. Take up the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:10-17). And trust His Word, for it is right and true, and He will do what He says (Psalm 33:4).   

In the end, He will give you rest (Matthew 11:28) and He will be glorified.  

Through it all, Fully Rely On God. And you will see the greatest show ever. 

Dear Lord, thank You for never leaving my side. Help me to trust You more, for sometimes I am like the father in the gospel of Mark who cried out, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” I am just a “little guy.” I am weak, but may I fully rely on You, for You are strong. Amen.



1 comment:

  1. Desiree, I was so moved by this entry. Thank you, very timely. I really needed this written hug and encouragement. Thank you! God bless.


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