Sunday, February 2, 2020

Shifting Shadows

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Having seen no shadow this morning, Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring. That is good news for me, as the winter months are lonely months. Cold weather and short-changed sunlight can hold me hostage inside my home, isolated from family and friends. I check my cell phone countless times to see if a loved one has texted. Has anyone wished me a good morning? Is anyone praying for me? Does anyone care how my day was? 


When those text messages aren’t there, I start to wonder if anyone really cares. Of course, I know I can reach out to them just as well, and I do. But sometimes it is nice to have someone else initiate the communication. And, I remind God, it would be nice to have a companion, a partner in life, then I wouldn't be so lonely. It has been my prayer for many years and I believe God has promised that will happen, but the enemy of my soul tries to cast a dark shadow of doubt, so that I fear growing old alone. He points to love lost, relationships gone awry. One negative thought leads to another. I remember friends and family members who have moved away. How I grieve and long for their companionship. I face the stark reality that they are not returning, and I am overcome with emotion. Maybe I will grow old alone.

When I find myself slipping into a dark hole, consumed by negative thoughts, I have to pause and do what the Bible tells me: “Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). I reframe my thoughts by following the three P’s introduced to me by my friend: pause, pivot, positive. Making my thoughts obedient to Christ, to God’s Word, is a positive transformation.

I’ve heard it said that relationships are either for a reason, a season, or forever. As I reflect on my own, I see that to be true. People change, move away or move on. Relationships change; they evolve or dissolve.

I am thankful for the forever relationships in my life, especially my relationship with my heavenly Father. Scripture says He does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17). He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He doesn’t move away. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).

I know God cares and I can talk to Him about anything, but I sure wish He texted. If He did, what would He say? Last week I began to imagine what God might text. I wrote out words I’d like to hear (or read). I typed them in text messages, then scheduled them to send, one every hour. When I received those texts throughout the day, the reminders of His love made me smile. Now that Valentine’s Day draweth nigh, I have transcribed those texts onto homemade Valentine cards. Each day I will tape one to my door, a visual reminder of how much I am loved. It is my plan to share these with all of you and hopefully make you smile. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s posting of the first of these short and sweet devotions that I have dubbed Valentines for the Soul.

Dear God, thank You for all the relationships in my life and how You have used each one for a divine purpose. Most of all, thank You for my forever relationship with You. Through every season, You are there. Remind me to keep my eyes fixed on You and Your promises and to refute the lies of the enemy with the truth of Your Word. Amen.


  1. Beautiful. This message feels so relevant to me right now. I have hope because the King of the universe views me as a princess. He is my perfect soul mate. Thank you for that reminder!

    1. I am glad you could relate, Rebekah. Thank you for reading and letting me know. Love you!


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