Monday, January 15, 2018

Stuck: What do you do?

Have you ever been stuck and didn’t know what to do? Stuck in a job, stuck on a project, stuck in an unhealthy relationship? Recently I got an invitation to submit my work for publication in an upcoming book, but it came with a challenge: use only monosyllabic words, with a few exceptions. It took me three tries to produce something acceptable. This poem is my second try. Maybe you can identify with my struggles.


“Write for the book,” I read.
It’s an open door.
What shall I write? I thought
Till I could think no more.

It was clear I was stuck—
Didn’t know what to do.
What shall I write, God?
My eyes are on You.

A thought came to mind
Of my plight as a teen.
No car of my own
With not much green.

“May I use your car?”
I asked Mom and Dad.
They said “no”
And I was sad.

“Our farm road is bad.
You might get stuck.
The sun and the rain
Have turned dirt to muck.”

“I can do it.
I’ll be fine,”
I begged and begged
Till they changed their mind.

My sisters came too
And we were on our way.
We drove to the show,
And all was okay.

Then we came back
And turned down the road.
A half-mile in
Our tires slowed.

I pressed on the pedal,
But the car wouldn’t go.
I tried to back up,
But the car said “no.”

It was clear I was stuck
And my parents were right.
Oh, why did I beg
To go out that night!

In the deep woods
With a mile to go,
No moon, no stars
No light to show.

No way to call,
Scared to go on foot
Through the dark night
As black as soot.

So we stayed put.
“We do not know what to do,”
We prayed, “But…
…our eyes are on You.”

He will come,
That we knew.
So we sat still
Till the light broke through.

It was Dad,
We had no doubt.
He came for us
To get us out!

And so I learned that when I’m stuck
And don’t know what to do
To pray and wait,
For He will come through.

“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (2 Chronicles 20:12b).

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