And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!” —Luke 2: 13 –14
Taking Flight
I reflect on my year and realize that much of my life has remained the same. I still teach at Chopticon, and I’m still involved with my church as the treasurer and the director of drama. I also continue to lead the First Place 4 Health group and facilitate our exercise class.
However, in other ways, 2011 has been a year of change, a milestone. I turned 50 in June and a few short months later, I officially became an empty-nester—unexpectedly. All of my little angels have taken flight. The transition has been difficult because I miss my children. But I’ve decided to embrace this new season of my life by embarking on some ventures of my own.
Since then, I have finalized my manuscript; received endorsements from three different authors; and polished my proposal. Recently I pitched my proposal to several literary agents, praying that the right one would agree to represent my work and negotiate a contract with a publishing house in my behalf. I believe that good news will come soon—even during this season of Christmas. What better time to promote a Christmas story! By the way, one of my endorsements came from a local author named Faith Tydings. Could there be a more fitting name?
Despite the changes that have taken place in my life, there is one thing that never changes. Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has not left me. He is with me, and He is with you. Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with us.” O come, let us adore Him.
Merry Christmas from my little heaven-on-earth to yours! May 2012 be sprinkled with blessings that are heaven-sent!
Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Tooting My Own Horn?
Well, maybe. It’s all part of marketing. Most publishers want authors to be involved in promoting their books and favor those who have established platforms and networking opportunities.
Over the years, I have enjoyed writing my Christmas newsletters, incorporating spiritual devotions that I dubbed Looking Glass Letters. Those letters have evolved into this blog The Looking Glass. Thank you for visiting. Read my Christmas devotion following this post. I also invite you to check out my upcoming article in the April issue of Guideposts magazine.
With Great Expectation
And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son, and shall call His name Jesus.—Luke 1:31
Tim finally finished his journey as an apprentice with the Sheet Metal Workers’ Union and is officially a mechanic. Currently, he works in Beltsville as an air balancer.
Tara is still working at Coordinated Movements as an occupational therapist.
Speaking of movements—in July Tim and Tara moved into their own home in Seventh Heaven—Seventh District, that is, with plenty of room to grow in. Good thing, too, because already they are filling up one room with swaddling clothes for a little angel.
Behold, Tara has conceived in her womb and will bring forth a daughter in February, and shall call her name Addison Ella. What a beautiful name! Addison is Tim’s grandfather’s (my father’s) middle name, and Ella is Tara’s grandmother’s name. (And by the way, my father’s birthday is in February. Who knows, maybe the baby will come on his birthday!)
But Addison is more than a beautiful name—it is a name chosen by God. The main characters in my book The Prettiest Sight to See are Addie (short for Addison) and her grandmother. As I mentioned, I started my book three years ago. Tim and Tara had never read it, nor did they know the story line or the characters’ names. To say that I was awestruck when they revealed their chosen name is an understatement. It was certainly a God-moment. He is so good!
“I have even called you by your name; I have named you.”—Isaiah 45:4
Tim & Tara’s New Address:
38668 Cobrums Wharf Road, Avenue, MD 20609
With the Voice of an Angel
Rebekah is in her final year at Valley Forge Christian College, pursuing a music education degree. Next semester she will be student teaching—working with the cherubs in an elementary school and an orchestra in a high school.
On December 8, she gave an amazing performance at her senior recital—not on the harp, but close—on the violin. And last week she played Hark the Herald Angels Sing at our church Christmas program and sang Do You Hear What I Hear—both were done beautifully.
She is anxiously anticipating her May graduation but is unsure where she will teach once she receives her certification—or what is waiting in the wings for her—but I know that God has a plan.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” —Jeremiah 29:11
With Wings
Emma graduated from high school in June, and then a few months later, she sprouted wings! Her initial plans were to attend the community college and pursue nursing. Then, lo and behold, she decided to join her sister at Valley Forge Christian College to pursue Psychology/Counseling. She’s in heaven at Valley Forge, surrounded by many new friends and her sister down the hall. Recently she got hired on at American Eagle in a mall near the college. A job heaven-sent for Emma, being the mall-shopper that she is. And she had no problem complying with the dress code.
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