Sunday, February 19, 2012

Could You Give Me Directions?

By Desiree Glass

At the close of the service, Pastor called the congregation to kneel at the altar to seek God’s direction for our lives. 
My thoughts turned to technology—specifically to GPS—and how we use the device for physical direction.  Perhaps my mind is too consumed with technology (being the technology teacher that I am), for I’ve often thought I would like to text God.  “Hey, God, how are You?  Whatcha up to?”  I imagine what He might reply, “Watching over you, my child.” 
“What do You want me to do today, Lord?  Can’t You just be my GPS?  You know, tell me to walk 5 steps and then turn right.  Continue to the end of the hall; then turn left.  Get me to where You want me to be.  Direct me.”

I pray daily that He would order my steps.  But how much easier it would be if He actually directed me?  I get it wrong so many times.  If He sent me His directions, it could save me some steps.  After all, Lord, I only want to be in Your perfect and pleasing will.
Still kneeling at the altar, head bowed and eyes closed, I remembered what I had taught about technology—not just the positive features, but the negative aspects as well.  I recalled a friend recounting an experience about asking for directions from someone at a store where she was shopping.  She figured that a local would know his way around, but that wasn’t the case.  The store employee couldn’t help her.  We concluded that today’s generation is so reliant on GPS systems that they cannot find their way without them.  Even my own college-aged daughter boasts how her GPS can get her anywhere, but she wouldn’t be able to give directions to aid another person.

Somehow in the midst of my reverie, His still small voice said, “Desiree, if I directed your every step like a GPS system, you would be nothing but a programmed robot.  But I didn’t create robots.  I created spiritual beings with free will—free will to obey or disobey, free will to love or not.  If I programmed your every step, you wouldn’t be able to give directions to others in need.  Instead, I allow you to find your way—with guidance from my Holy Spirit.  Sure, you may take a few extra steps—waste some steps even—get lost, take a detour, but all the while you are learning.  You are learning the way.  Then and only then are you able to give direction to others.”
Thank you, God, I prayed, as I rose to my feet.  Thank you for answering my prayer, I said and stepped toward the door, open to the next leg of the journey.

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