Thursday, March 19, 2020

Beyond the Door

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

I cried when my closest colleague told me she was retiring. They should have been tears of joy for her, but honestly they were tears of sorrow for myself. Roz and I had worked together for 10 years, both of us high school CTE (Career and Technology Education) teachers. At least seven of those years, we occupied adjoining classrooms. I don’t know why the rooms were designed with a shared door, nor do I know of any similar setups in the building, but I do know it was designed just right for us. Being next to each other in our secluded wing of the building gave us the opportunity to get to know each other on a deeper level. Early communication revealed that we shared the Christian faith. Soon we were praying together in the mornings before school began. While at first we prayed for our school, our students, and the day before us, in time our petitions evolved to personal matters. Roz and I learned we had so much more in common than our faith. We were both career changers, each of us having worked in the world of business before becoming teachers. Each of us had also dabbled in the dramatic arts in our younger days. We were both faithful churchgoers and at the time we were both church treasurers, collaborating even on church accounting software. We had granddaughters born within weeks of each other. Later our daughters gave birth to preemies, each early delivery a result of the same condition. Together, we rejoiced; together we cried. I shared private concerns with Roz that I have shared with no other, except the Lord. I knew I could trust Roz to keep everything in confidence. I also knew I could rely on her to give wise advice. No matter the situation, Roz would come through for me, whether an idea for an assignment, a prayer, advice, or her comforting presence. All I had to do was knock. Help was just beyond the door.

Of course, as our friendship grew, knocking became unnecessary. We let ourselves in. Over time, we could probably finish each other’s sentences. We were quite familiar with each other’s habits. I knew exactly where Roz would want to sit in a faculty meeting and could count on her to save me a seat. I would do the same for her. I knew if she complained about a headache that I should remind her to drink her water. And if she heard that quiver in my voice, she knew I needed her. Like the morning in October, only weeks before her retirement. On my way into work, I received a distressing phone call. A loved one had been in a car accident. I didn’t know all the details, but began to imagine the worse. When I got to school, I immediately reached out to Roz. Assessing my emotional state, she flew into action and acquired a sub for my classes, so I could return home. That’s the nature of a true friend.

In today’s uncertain times, many of us may be in an emotional state. Many may need a true friend. We have questions and concerns and don’t know where to turn. God wants to be that friend (James 2:23). He knows us inside and out, what we need, and how to bring us comfort. But He will not force Himself upon us. He will, however, knock on the door of our heart and wait for us to answer (Revelation 3:20). He desires to hear from us. He longs for us to pour out our hearts to Him, to bring Him the hard questions, and ask Him for wisdom and solutions. Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).

During this pandemic, schools, businesses, and social activities have been shut down. Friends and family members are shut behind doors. We can’t even get to them for a comforting hug. But shutdowns cannot shut down communication with God. He wants us to knock on His door. He invites it and promises the door will be opened. So during this downtime, let us dig in deeper with Him, draw close to Him and develop a true friendship. Pray more and fret less. And let’s not forget to laugh. They say laughter is the best medicine (Proverbs 17:22), and like communication, humor can strengthen a relationship.

A couple of years ago our school implemented a new policy regarding students arriving tardy to class. At the bell, teachers shut and lock their doors (for security purposes). If a student is late, they must knock and wait for the teacher to answer (as the teacher might be in the middle of starting the class). Since this was a new policy, teachers were directed to prepare a sign to that effect to post on their door. As I approached Roz’s classroom door, I read her newly prepared sign: “If you are tardy, knock and wait quietly. I will answer shorty.”

I erupted in laughter. One omitted letter made a world of difference. I pointed it out to Roz (and other passersby), and we laughed till we doubled over, especially since we recognized the teen slang of the day. We could just imagine the students reading the sign. Roz was tempted to leave it for giggles, but being the ever-professional educator, she opted to correct it instead.

The takeaway? Answer God’s knock on your heart. Knock on His door for continual communication and a deeper friendship. Bring Him your petitions and wait quietly for Him to answer. And remember who’s in control, shorty.

Dear God, thank You for the friends You have placed in my life and, most importantly, for my friendship with You. May I always remember that You are just beyond the door. All I have to do is knock, and the door will be answered. Amen.


  1. This i a beautiful letter. I know Roz and the type person she is. I feel that i know the kind of person that you must be, a good person.

    Roz is my neice, Robert McLeod

    1. Aww...thank you so much, Robert! Roz means a lot to me. I laughed and cried as I wrote the article.

  2. Beautiful testimony of true friendship. Thank you for sharing!

  3. These are such encouraging words and so timely. Thank you, Desiree!

  4. Thanks for reading and your own encouragement!


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