Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Rose is Not Just a Rose: Celebrating good things


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;

his love endures forever.

1 Chronicles 16:34

I approached the kitchen table and caught glance of the single red rose, its stem stuck in a vase and head bowed toward me. Instantly, I wanted to bow my own head in shame. How could I have forgotten? My mind traveled back to the day before when I was shopping for groceries.

“Ma’am, would you like a rose?”

I turned to face a produce clerk, bouquet in hand.

“They’re starting to die,” he explained as he pulled forth a rose, “I’d rather give them away than throw them away.”

“Yes, thank you!” I said as I accepted his proffer.

I walked away with a smile, thinking this is my Good Thing of the day.

I start every class with a celebration of Good Things. It’s an actual agenda item, a time when students share something good, maybe their birthday or an A on a test, then we all celebrate together with music and applause. Sometimes I too share a good thing with my class, but if I don’t I will be sure to record it later in my gratitude journal.

For years, I have journaled at least five good things that I am grateful for each night before I close my eyes. I’ve heard some say they would be challenged to come up with five new things to give thanks for every day. I’ve also heard the quote, “Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day.” If we spend time reflecting on our day, surely we can pull out at least five good things. It can include having our workday go smoothly or having a phone conversation with a loved one or receiving an unexpected flower. Some of these items may not be “new” (having recorded them before), but they are new to the day and worthy of recognition nonetheless.

Even though in the moment I recognized the gift of the flower as a good thing, later that night I had forgotten all about it and failed to journal it. For that, I was ashamed.

How quickly had I forgotten. I wonder how many other good things I’ve forgotten so suddenly, failed to give thanks for, failed to celebrate.

The Bible tells us that every good gift comes down from the Father, who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17). He is thinking of us constantly (Psalm 139:17) and sends down sprinkles of good things throughout our day.

Let us think of the Lord when these blessings come our way and give thanks to Him (and for Him), for He is good; His love endures forever (1 Chronicles 16:34).

Dear Lord,

Thank You for all the ways You bless me. Forgive me when I fail to recognize You as my Source. I know sometimes I take things for granted, and I’m changeable, saying one thing and doing another. Yet You are the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). My God, my provider, my lover and friend. For You, I am eternally grateful.


  1. My heart needed to hear this just at the perfect time. Thanks for sharing your heart!

    1. Aww...I'm glad it was meaningful, Carla. Thank you for dropping by 😊.

  2. God bless you Desiree for being a blessing to others.

  3. Thanks for finding me to be grateful always. Life is good.


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